
2017年10月13日—TheRootlessPixel2launcherforAndroid7.0-8.1ThePixel2Launcherwasreleasednotlongago.Butsomefeaturesonlyworkwhen ...,PixelLauncherisGoogle'sofficiallauncherforitsPixeldevices.Withtheapp,youcanenjoythedefaultAndroiddesignexperienceandreceivethelatest ...,Muchimprovedpixel2launcherwithgooglenowintegration.@iamspinisaid:

[APP][7.0+] Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher with Google Now ...

2017年10月13日 — The Rootless Pixel 2 launcher for Android 7.0 - 8.1 The Pixel 2 Launcher was released not long ago. But some features only work when ...

Pixel Launcher for Android

Pixel Launcher is Google's official launcher for its Pixel devices. With the app, you can enjoy the default Android design experience and receive the latest ...

PIXEL 2 launcher + Google NOW

Much improved pixel 2 launcher with google now integration. @iamspini said: ...

Download Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher (mod) APKs for Android

Download Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher (mod) APKs for Android - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.

Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher (mod) 8.1.0-4348501-modded

Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher (mod) 8.1.0-4348501-modded-3.2 APK Download by paphonb - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.

Pixel 2 Launcher APK

2018年5月7日 — Pixel 2 Launcher APK: Kostenloser Download für Android-Smartphones. Auffällig ist die Google Suchleiste am unteren Bildschirmrand. Tippen Sie ...

Modded Pixel 2 launcher, w Google Now. (No root required)

2017年10月14日 — You can't uninstall the Pixel Launcher on a Pixel, so you can't install it unfortunately. :/ You'll have to wait for the official update to come ...

Pixel Launcher

Pixel Launcher provides a new home screen experience like Android Pixel Launcher that allow you to be more customize your Android device.